

Project Type: New
Construction Cost: $17 M
Size: 24,000 SF


Southington Public Library

Southington, CT

The library’s primary design concept is to provide flexibility and interchangeability to meet the current and evolving needs of the community.

The building design incorporates three entrances: one at Main Street, the second at the northeast parking area, and the third at the south parking area. The first two entrances are linked by a common area housing the circulation desk, new materials display, and the main stair to the second floor, providing access to the community room after hours. The third entrance offers direct access to the children’s collection and program room.

The main program room can accommodate up to 300 people and can be subdivided into smaller rooms with moveable partitions, allowing for multiple programs to occur simultaneously. The maker space for crafts, robotics, and other programs is adjacent to the main program room and features a moveable partition opening to the main room.

There are separate program rooms for teens and children to address the specific needs of each age group. A Local History room will house the library’s collection of historic documents and also serve as a conference space.

The second floor includes five smaller rooms for meetings, tutoring, and other uses, along with a space for the Friends of Southington Library book sales.

Construction is expected to be completed by October 2024

Project Leadership

Ron Paolillo

M. Arch., Associate AIA | Project Manager

James A. Barrett, AIA

LEED AP BD+C, ALEP | Principal
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